Measuring the truth of central government.

Angelcraft Broadcasting

Washington D.C. (AB) August 3, 2022 Georgetown University:   Just down the street from each other, the White House and Georgetown University have had a long relationship one where in a healthy world would reflect their relationship in the schools newsletter.  But we are not living in a healthy news world.  Since May 17, 2022  Georgetown has succeeded carrying many news stories in their news letter without mentioning, Donald Trump, Joe Biden or even Barrack Obama.  We took a sample of their newsletter.

Newsletter – Georgetown University.

The only traces of the defunct U.S. central government at Georgetown University website that can be seen are the wearing of corornvirus masks and coronavirus propaganda.  Once citizens in each state come to terms,  the need of a true central government will come into question in the United States and it will not be communist who have their own problems.

For many years…

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