Climate change? or Man-made disasters

Angelcraft Times UTC+14

MMXII July 19, 2022 Angelcraft Times:  Earth:  Around the world students and scientist are studying the earth.   In focused and specialized studies, many of their conclusions lead to or either imply some sort of global climate change holocaust.  Recently in one study, scientists took core samples from healthy corals. Then they capped off their work saying it does not hurt the coral.   How could it not hurt them?  So what if growth covers the evidence?  Now there is a huge hole inside that coral that other people can’t perceive.  What if ten or twenty years from new scientists come and drill more holes in the same coral?

They used to only study dead corals. Now according to the news, scientists have supposedly come upon mass extinctions of coral.  If this report of mass extinctions of coral is true.  How do they know that what they find is not a…

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